
1. About Scanner Plugin

Current Version: 1.9.X

Scanner is a Elkied plugin for scanning static files (using clamav engine).

1.1. Supported Platforms

Same as Elkeid Agent. Pre-Compiled binary support : x86_64, Aarch64

1.2. Agent/DataFlow compatibility

forward compatible: 1.7.X、1.8.X

2. Build

Scanner CI workflow seen Github Action.

2.1. Docker Builder

  • aarch64
                    "type": "tar.gz",
                    "sha256": "d75a5c542a2d7c0900ad96401d65833833232fcf539896ac2d2a95619448850b",
                    "signature": "1089b8fdcb69eac690323b0d092d8386901ded2155a057bf4d044679a2b83a9c",
  • x86_64
                    "type": "tar.gz",
                    "sha256": "e17e7380233c64172c767aa7587a9e303b11132e97c0d36a42e450469c852fdf",
                    "signature": "527c6ea0caac3b0604021de5aa2d34e4b9fae715e5e6cdd37e8f485869f923c2",

2.2. Compile

# x86_64
docker build -t scanner -f docker/Dockerfile.x86_64 ../../ 
docker create --name scanner scanner
docker cp scanner:/Elkeid/plugins/scanner/output/scanner-x86_64.tar.gz ./
docker rm -f scanner

# aarch64
docker build -t scanner -f docker/Dockerfile.aarch64 ../../ 
docker create --name scanner scanner
docker cp scanner:/Elkeid/plugins/scanner/output/scanner-aarch64.tar.gz ./
docker rm -f scanner

3. Config

There are following files, with some constants. In order to avoid occupying too much system resources, it is recommended to use the default parameters.

3.1. Scan Path config

  • SCAN_DIR_CONFIG define the scan directory list and recursion depth
  • SCAN_DIR_FILTER define the filter directory list matched by prefix

3.2. Engine config

  • CLAMAV_MAX_FILESIZE define the maximum file size of scanned files (skip large files)

3.3. Option : 1. Clamav database Database config.

Get default database url with default password clamav_default_passwd:

wget http://lf26-elkeid.bytetos.com/obj/elkeid-download/18249e0cbe7c6aca231f047cb31d753fa4604434fcb79f484ea477f6009303c3/archive_db_default_20220817.zip

#wget http://lf3-elkeid.bytetos.com/obj/elkeid-download/18249e0cbe7c6aca231f047cb31d753fa4604434fcb79f484ea477f6009303c3/archive_db_default_20220817.zip

#wget http://lf6-elkeid.bytetos.com/obj/elkeid-download/18249e0cbe7c6aca231f047cb31d753fa4604434fcb79f484ea477f6009303c3/archive_db_default_20220817.zip

#wget http://lf9-elkeid.bytetos.com/obj/elkeid-download/18249e0cbe7c6aca231f047cb31d753fa4604434fcb79f484ea477f6009303c3/archive_db_default_20220817.zip

The clamav scanner plugin will load local database from TMP_PATH/archive_db_default.zip with password ARCHIVE_DB_PWD, besides, it will also check ARCHIVE_DB_VERSION from ARCHIVE_DB_VERSION_FILE and ARCHIVE_DB_PWD.

More details in src/model/engine/updater.rs

3.4. Option : 2. Rules

The default database includes cropped clamav database and open source yara rules.

root@hostname$ ls
main.ldb  main.ndb  online_XXXXXXXX.yar

More details in Clamav Docs

  • Notice
    • There are currently a few limitations on using YARA rules within ClamAV

4. plugin task

scanner plugin task (Seen Elkeid Console Doc):

  • Dir scan
  • Fulldisk scan
  • Quick scan

5. Scanner Report DataType

1statustask status : failed,succeed
4exetarget file path
5static_filetarget file path
6exe_sizetarget file size
7exe_hashtarget file 32kb xxhash
8md5_hashtarget file md5 hash
9create_attarget file birth time
10modify_attarget file last modify time
11hit_datayara hit data(if yara hit)
12tokentask token (only in 6057 task report)
4exeexe file path
5static_fileexe file path
6exe_sizeexe file size
7exe_hashexe 32kb xxhash
8md5_hashexe md5 hash
9create_atexe birth time
10modify_atexe last modify time
11hit_datayara hit data(if yara hit)
12pidprocess id
13ppidparent process id
14pgidprocess group id
15tgidthread group id
16argvexe cmdline
17commprocess comm name
19uiduse ID
20pnsprocess namespace
21tokentask token (only in 6057 task report)
1typestarget FileType
4exetarget file path
5static_filetarget file path
6exe_sizetarget file size
7exe_hashtarget file 32kb xxhash
8md5_hashtarget file md5 hash
9create_attarget file birth time
10modify_attarget file last modify time
11hit_datayara hit data(if yara hit)
12tokentask token
13errorerror log

6. Known Errors & issues

  • Creation time / birth_time is not available for some filesystems
error: "creation time is not available for the filesystem
  • Centos7 default compile tool-chains didn't work, high version of tool-chains needed.

7. License

Clamav Scanner Plugin is distributed under the GPLv2 license.